Our Commitment

We are a fast-growing firm seeking to remain engaged with both our clients and our teams. Our mindset, governance, and policies are carefully designed to build strong relationships and develop inclusive practices to maximize potential in all we do.


Beyond our core mission, we make commitments to all our stakeholders, which we live by in our day-to-day life at ARCHIMED.


We are entrepreneurs, aware of operational and market complexity, challenges and turmoil. We do not add complexity to complexity.


We are designed to be agile and reactive, allowing us to take quick but thoroughly thought-through decisions to match business velocity.


Animated by a genuine scientific curiosity, we are all positively passionate about healthcare and how innovation can drive better healthcare outcomes.


We guarantee efficient decision-making processes as well as empowerment through our governance systems (at ARCHIMED and within our companies). We make sure there is no dominating voice in our investment committee whilst ensuring good corporate governance is practiced for ARCHIMED’s internal decisions.