Return to Investors

ARCHIMED has consistently delivered superior performance to investors, both in terms of financial returns and impact and sustainability. All ARCHIMED funds are top decile performers for their corresponding vintages.


returns on invested capital

MED I (2014 vintage) has already returned to investors more than four times their invested capital, on a cash-to-cash basis.


MED I is ranked as the best

performing Buyout fund at a global level for the 2014 vintage with a MOIC above 6.5x.


Top decile performers

ARCHIMED’s first three funds MED I (2014), MED II (2018) and MED Platform I (2019) are at least top decile performers.

ARCHIMED’s value creation is driven by a number of key levers:

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    Focus on the most attractive sub-sectors within the healthcare industries (MedSeg tool).

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    Ability to invest on a transatlantic basis where more than 80% of the category leaders are headquartered.

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    Longstanding relations with industry players allowing for privileged discussions about investment opportunities (MedDiscover™ approach).

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    Systematic and digitalized sourcing efforts aiming at a robust deal-flow in prioritized sectors (MedBrain system).

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    Strict discipline in terms of compliance with pre-defined investment strategy and with internal processes.

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    Massive resources deployed to support value creation at company level especially for business development purposes (MedValue methodology).