Return to Society


of all ARCHIMED managed funds

are sustainable funds (classified article 8 or 9 under SFDR).


ARCHIMED won the Swen Capital Award in 2021

for best ESG practices and was nominated again in 2022.



ARCHIMED’s societal contributions are focused through the UN SDGs framework, in particular through SDGs 3 & 9.

ARCHIMED’s return to society is multifold, instigating changes in the healthcare industry, contributing to people’s pensions and savings, increasing positive impacts on global health outcomes, improving businesses’ ESG practices, and supporting vulnerable people’s needs through our charitable EURÊKA Foundation.


The EURÊKA Foundation provides financial support as well as time, guidance and a real commitment to working with several associations. The mission of the Foundation is to help vulnerable people affected by physical and mental health disorders and support research programs on unmet medical needs as well as new treatments. Various associations are supported across Europe and North America, ultimately impacting thousands of lives.


of ARCHIMED’s annual return

is automatically dedicated to the EURÊKA Foundation. The EURÊKA Foundation has already received more than 3 million euros in funding from ARCHIMED.

Mental Issues: Clubhouse

The EURÊKA Foundation actively supports the creation and development of “Clubhouses” under the Clubhouse International model. Clubhouses are non-medicalized day houses dedicated to help the recovery of people affected by mental disorders and their reintegration into society.


At ARCHIMED, we have been convinced of the crucial role healthcare companies play in sustaining humanity’s well-being. During the last thirty years working in this industry, we have witnessed their tremendous contribution but also the potential risks emerging from poor control and management. The sanitary crisis that struck the world in 2020-22 has served as a wakeup call for many, revealing fragilities in our global healthcare system.

ARCHIMED uses financial resources and acumen to find, support and scale companies whose activities contribute to improve health outcomes at all levels. Our goal is to help companies achieving their role as providers of sustainable and life-changing solutions improving health conditions.

As an impact investor, we intend to guide healthcare actors towards building resilient and equitable healthcare systems. We firmly believe that the healthcare industry has all the required characteristics to embody this impact vision. We help develop businesses with products and services providing a greater purpose for human and animal health, strengthening their impacts, as well as raising awareness that only companies realizing their sustainability potential can endure and create long-term value.

ARCHIMED proves that being a market-leading impact driven investor in the healthcare industry is fully compatible with delivering great returns to our clients.


Go to


Beyond assessing the positive impact of the products and services of our healthcare companies, we also pay special attention to the way our portfolio companies operate. We make sure our companies’ activities uphold the highest standards of ESG performance and we promote initiatives to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Global Health

Through our investments, we aim to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all, at all ages. We are committed to supporting the development of solutions addressing our key Healthcare Objectives.


R&D budget spent

to support the development of new treatments and health devices.


ARCHIMED contributes to SDGs 12 and 13 by working with our portfolio companies to reduce their negative impact on climate change and the environment, and we ensure they implement responsible and sustainable consumption and production practices along their supply chain.


of portfolio companies

have implemented initiatives to reduce waste on products.


ARCHIMED contributes to SDGs 8 and 9 by promoting inclusive economic growth that contributes to innovation and sustainable industrialization, safe and decent work, and productive employee development at a firm and portfolio company level.


jobs created in 2021

across the portfolio.


ARCHIMED contributes to SDG 16 by encouraging the portfolio companies to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, by implementing good governance processes and upholding higher standards of ethics, including data protection and security internally as well as with their suppliers.


of portfolio companies

had a Code of Ethics (or equivalent) in place or in development, and shared it with all employees in 2021.