Responsible Investment Strategy

As a specialized healthcare investor, ARCHIMED’s overarching mission is to have a tangible impact on advancement and innovation across the healthcare industries and improving health outcomes for all patients. We see sustainable development as a key lever for achieving this mission while creating long-term value for our companies, investors, and society. 

Our responsible investment strategy is deeply embedded in all steps of the investment lifecycle, actively driving the selection of responsible healthcare businesses and supporting their sustainable development. 


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We are committed to building leading responsible businesses that have a positive impact on society, beyond ARCHIMED’s investment horizon. At ARCHIMED, we recognize the role of sustainability as a value creation lever. Through our proprietary impact screening process, we embed sustainability across every step of the investment lifecycle, working in coordination with our deal teams and external experts. This collective effort results in positive contributions across the healthcare industries.

“Our responsible investment strategy fosters proactive engagement both internally with the investment teams and externally with the management of our companies. This integrated approach drives value creation across key ESG and impact topics from acquisition to exit.”

Karem Kobayashi
Director of Sustainability and Impact